Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hydraulic Power Pack Producing Loud Sound


During operation, the power pack producing super loud noise. Even though the location of the power pack is under the cellar, but the sound can be heard till top of floor and even miles away...

During the inspection time, the power pack was shut down. Try to restart the power pack. At first minutes, the sound of the pump is normal and acceptable. Then suddenly it starts to make a lot of noise + vibration. OMG! Is the pump gonna blow? LOL...Worst case, the vibration from the power pack causing the valve stand to vibrate. And one of the pipe joint fitting get loose and causing the hydraulic oil spreading all around. Yeah baby..it's shower time...lololololol...


  • Check the condition for any loosen bolts on both of hydraulic pump and electrical motor base. Loosen bolts is one of the typical reason why pumps producing high noise. Result, everything is tighten enough...
  • Check the coupling for any defect parts. OMG!. The coupling is in good condition...
  • Remove the hydraulic pump from its location. Dismantle it into the pieces. Post-mortem it. Suspected the bearing was out-of-date. The defect bearing can also resulting the pump producing loud noise. The bearing is in good condition. Take out the vane cartridge. Dismantling all the vane blade together with the springs. Check for any scratch and broken springs. Pheww..everything is in good condition...
  • Last thing, check the suction filter condition. OMG!..The filter is clogged like hell. No wonder the pump is producing a lot of noise and vibration...Why? Because the clogged filter will block some of the oil flow into the pump. Once the pump did not sucking the adequate amount of oil, the air bubbles will be produced and pump will start to suck oil and air bubbles. This situation can cause aireation to the hydraulic pump.


Clogged suction filter can resulting excessive vibration and noise the hydraulic pump.... 


1 comment:

  1. Hydraulic power pack is available in window type. Check http://www.precisehydraulic.com/hydraulic-press.htm
