Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Hydraulic Pump Stop Operated by itself after a certain hours

There was a day, when you've got the problem, which you should not run from it, but face it wisely.

Ok2..back to the topic. Once I've face a problem with one of my offline circulation filtration pump units. This pump unit normally is operated to be used to top-up the oil quantity inside the tank when it reach at the low level and also to keep the oil inside the tank circulating through the filtration system once the whole system stop from operation.

The pump is turned on. After around an hour, the pump was found stopped without anyone switching it off. The pump's motor is considered tripped. Try to switch it on back and keep on monitoring for next hours. The problem since repeated.

Change the filter element with new spare. Switch on back the pump and wallao.....the pump smoothly operated for continuous 8 hours.

The filter element has clogged. Why clogged hydraulic filter element resulting tripping pump's motor. Electrical motor has certain setting on the Amps value. This Amps value act like the pressure relief valve for hydraulic system. It protects the motor from burnt, same like the pressure relief valve protecting the hydraulic system from sudden pressure peak. This amp has the connection on the load of the motor take. The clogged filter increase more blockage which will resulting higher pressure inside the pipe/line. When the pressure increased, it will also increased the work rate for the motor. Higher load will be resulting higher amp. When the amp reached to the safety limit of the motor, it will automatically cut off the supply in order to protect the motor from burn.

Case closed =)